Sightlines is a multi-media exhibition exploring visibility, transformation, and masculinities. Pulling from the aesthetics of my childhood, I work with camouflage, construction materials, and familial items and images by combining and fragmenting them in lenticular collage, video, and photographic works. Through this process, I break down the history and aesthetic associations I have with each material to reclaim and repurpose them. In doing so, I question the nuances of my identity and my place within natural and cultural ecosystems.
Several pieces in the show feature myself undergoing a sort of transformation. For example, the video piece Dad’s Hair, features a high-vis camouflage backdrop with myself in front of it, applying strands of my father’s hair onto my face and constructing a beard reminiscent of his own. Whereas, in the lenticular piece Hunting Season, I include images of myself and my family from a childhood hunting trip, along with notes app screenshots, landscape, and architectural features from my family’s house which shift and disappear into a Google Maps image of the area's landscape today. In these transformations, I navigate being seen while questioning the political history that has informed my identity.